About us
The Alliance for Marxism and Animal Liberation is an association of activists from the animal liberation movement and the communist left from Germany and Switzerland. It was founded 2014 in Hamburg. The impetus for its foundation was a collective debate of the animal rights and liberation movement and of Marxist organizations in the German-speaking countries. The purpose of the alliance is to support the political, economic and theoretical forms of class struggle against capital and the structures of capitalist society, highlighting the connection between the exploitation of wage laborers, animals and nature. This includes linking Marxism and animal liberation in theory and practice. Our objective is a socialism through which the working class, animals, and nature are liberated. We develop and discuss theoretical texts, organize events and participate in various political actions of both the Marxist left and the animal rights and animal liberation movement.
Transitional Program for Animal Liberation
Based on which demands must we fight for the liberation of animals and the transformation of society today?
With this brochure, the Alliance for Marxism and Animal Liberation presents a transitional program as part of a socialist agenda. Drawing on, among others, the concept of revolutionary Realpolitik and historical examples from the communist movement, we outline what a bridge between politics in the here and now and the objective of a break with the contemporary relations of property and production can look like.
Animal liberation under occupation?
Animal liberation under occupation?
On the limits of Penny Johnson’s book about animals in Palestine
Podcast episode 04: with Neda Hussein
»Occupation and veganism are incompatible«
Animal rights work in Palestine – an interview with Ahlam Tarayra
In the interview Ahlam Tarayra from the Baladi Palestine Animal Rescue Team talks about rescuing and caring for street animals in the West Bank and Gaza, what it means to work for progressive causes under conditions of the occupation and the “veganwashing” of Israeli politics. Also, she explains why the fight against the occupation regime ought to be of concern for the animal rights and animal liberation movement – as the recent Israeli military offensive has once again shown.
Podcast episode 02: with Maila Costa
Podcast episode 01: with Marco Maurizi
In the Center of the Imperialist World System
The Marxist Turn in Animal Liberation?
18 Theses on Marxism and Animal Liberation